Plot 4180, Jalan Perusahaan
3, Kamunting Industrial Estate,
34600 Kamunting, Taiping,
Perak, Malaysia.
Our Commitment Towards
1.Quality | 2.Health & Safety | 3.Clean & Safe Workplace | 4.Environment |
品质 | 健康与工业安全 | 干净安全的工作场所 | 环境 |
1. Commitment to Quality: we are dedicated to manufacturing quality products and delivering excellent services to our customers. 對於品質的承諾:我們全力提供給客戶優質產品與服務。
2. Customer Focus: we strive to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations by understanding their needs and requirements. 以客為尊:對於客戶的需要,我們追求的不僅是要滿足,我們還要做到超乎客人的預期。
3. Continuous Improvement: we commit to continually improving the effectiveness of our Quality Management System to enhance customer satisfaction. 持續改善:透過不間斷的改善品質管理系統的有效性,我們追求更高的客戶滿意度
4. Clear communication: we recognize the value of effective communication such that everyone understands and adheres to the Quality policy. 清晰的溝通:我們的品質政策的核心價值是透過不間斷與有效的溝通,讓所有人都可以清楚的理解並遵守我們的政策。 |