Official Website

Lih Mei Industrial Sdn Bhd
Plot 4180, Jalan Perusahaan
3, Kamunting Industrial Estate,
34600 Kamunting, Taiping,
Perak, Malaysia.

Social Responsibility 社会责任


Bringing Nature & Sustainability into Masking Paper

Lih Mei's sustainability strategy is to grow our business with the aim of helping to develop healthy and environmentally safe society.

In year 2018, Lih Mei's new plant promote the concept of ''Green Factory'' to reuse, renew and recycle the energy and resources.

立美可持续性发展策略除了考量营业的增长,同时也重视社会与生态的健康稳定。 立美建设中的新工厂预计2018年完成极力推广绿色工厂。
